ACA Literature

Where can you buy ACA Literature?

Literature can be purchased at some in person meetings in the Portland area, especially those held at the Portland Alano Club.

If you're interested in selling literature at your meeting, and are located in the Portland area or willing to travel for literature orders, please reach out to for more information.

If you're not able to purchase books at one of these meetings, all ACA literature is available for purchase online at the ACA World Service Organization website store. You will need to purchase shipping for orders on this store.

Many books can also be found on other book sellers on websites such as However, it's recommended to check the ISBNs of books purchased through online retailers to ensure you're purchasing authentic WSO approved literature.

A number of bookstores stock ACA books, especially those with a focus in Recovery and 12-Step work. The Serenity Shop is an example; it's a Portland local business that sells most of these texts as well at a higher price to cover their retail costs. They are located at 6063 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97213.

ACA literature is also available in E-Book format, purchasable on the WSO web store.

Pricing for Literature and Coins

Literature and coins can be purchased by ACA members. They can also be purchased by meetings to sell directly to members in attendance. This helps make our literature easier to access, and helps individuals save on potential shipping or transportation costs.

When purchasing literature from the Intergroup Literature person, the following books are available for purchase at the prices listed below:

The blue newcomer booklet, Breaking the Bonds can also be purchased for $1.00 each.

In addition to the literature, the Intergroup Literature person has coins for purchase:

  • Newcomer coins: $1.00 each
  • 6-Meeting milestone coins: $1.00 each
  • One, Two, Three, Six, and Nine Month coins: $1.00 each
  • One or more Year coins: $2.00 each

These prices are agreed upon by Oregon Intergroup as of September 1, 2022.

Current Price List

Price List
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