ACA Meetings


One of the most difficult and brave decisions we each make is to walk through the doors of ACA.


Second Monday of the month 6-7pm - At The Alano Club, on the second floor, NE Room; 909 NW 24th Ave, Portland, OR 97210. Please Join Us!



Sunday 6-7pm – “Fellow Travelers” - At Taborspace: 5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215. Face Masks Optional. Social distancing is still required!

Monday 5:30-6:30pm –  Action Coming From Love – St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 120 SW Towle Rd. Gresham, OR 97080. Contact Lillian H, Support from experienced ACAs requested.

Monday 7-8:15pm – True Selves ACA – At the Alano Club, on the second floor, NE Room; 909 NW 24th Ave, Portland, OR 97210. Closed to students observing for class.

Wednesday 5:15-6:30pm - The Loving Parent - True Colors Recovery Center, 3807 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR 97212. Closed to members outside of the LGBTQIA2s+ community. Loving Parent Check-in meditation on 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th meetings each month. Speaker meeting on 5th Wednesday.

Wednesday 6:30-8pm – Gentleness Humor Love Respect – At the Alano Club, on the second floor, SE Room; 909 NW 24th Ave, Portland, OR 97210.

Wednesday 6:30–7:45pm – “From Hurting to Healing” – United Church of Christ at 1111 Country Club, Lake Oswego, OR 97034. The door to enter is small entrance left of front church entrance. Please do not park in reserved parking spaces. Meeting is open to all who seek recovery and is closed to other purposes.

Thursday 6:30-7:50pm - Treehouse Meeting - West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Treehouse Room. 8470 SW Oleson Rd., Portland, OR 97223. We welcome newcomers at the Treehouse. This is a safe place to let your inner child free and discover your true self as an adult. This is a topic meeting grounded in the 12 traditions.

Thursday 6:30-8pm - Rainbow Travelers - Multnomah Friends Meeting,  4312 SE Stark St, Portland, OR 97215. Closed to members outside of the LGBTQIA2s+ community.

Thursday 7-8:15pm - Chapter 9: The Family Afterward. Recovery in Relationships - GracePointe Church, 10750 SE 42nd Ave Milwaukie, OR 97222, In the basement on the Jackson Street side of the building. Meeting in cooperation with ACA, AA and Alanon.

Saturday 12–1:30pm – Awareness Courage Action ACA – At the Alano Club, upstairs on top floor, Loft; 909 NW 24th Ave, Portland, OR 97210. Closed to students. (ACA_Meeting_Script Aug 2020) (ACA_Sat_Noon_Trifold)


Wednesday 5:30pm – Reflections – The 1414 Club, 1414 12th Ave, Longview, WA 98632.


Sunday 7:00 -8:15 pm – Fellow Travelers – 700 Marion St NE, Salem, OR 97301 Contact: Tim W.


Monday 5:50pm - 7:15pm - Eugene Monday Inner Child - City First Church, located upstairs, 830 Madison St., Eugene, OR 97402, Enter the door on the North side of 8th Alley by the tall carport structure. Please arrive by 6pm as door auto-locks. Masks are optional but please do not attend if you have any symptoms of sickness. Join our Facebook group or e-mail Carmen at with any questions.

Tuesday 7– 8:15pm – Eugene Tuesday ACA – Trinity Methodist Church, 440 Maxwell Rd, Eugene, OR 97404, Open to All. Discussion, Steps, Book Study.

Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 – Strengthening My Recovery In ACA – City First Church 830 Madison St. Eugene OR 97402, Contact Norman Children are welcome.

Saturday 12-1:15 pm – Strengthening My Recovery In ACA –City First Church 830 Madison St. Eugene OR 97402, Contact Norman Children are welcome. Celebrate Recovery with coins, presented on 4th Saturday of the month.

Grants Pass

Tuesdays 3–4:30pm – Survivors to Thrivers – St Luke’s Episcopal Church 224 Northwest D Street, Grants Pass OR, 97526 Guild Room Entrance by Kitchen.

Wednesday 1:30pm – Simply ACA – St Luke’s Episcopal Church, 224 Northwest D Street, Grants Pass OR, 97526. Guild Room Entrance by Kitchen.


Thursday 7pm - Thursday Night ACA - The Barn, 275 N. 3rd, Jacksonville, OR 97530. Contact Joe: 626-484-1470 or


Monday 5:30–6:30pm – “Expect the Best and Get It”– Bend First Presbyterian 230 NE Ninth Street Bend, OR 97701. Contact: Amy Grace 971-645-3434

Wednesday 5:30–6:30pm – “Expect the Best and Get It”– Bend First Presbyterian 230 NE Ninth Street Bend, OR 97701. Contact: Amy Grace 971-645-3434

Friday 10am - 11am - "The Friday Meeting" - 230 NE 9th St Bend OR 97701, at the Presbyterian Church in the prayer room. Contact: Judy 805-591-9798



Sunday 6:00pm-7:15pm  ACA & Psychedelics, 2nd Sundays of the month only -  This ACA meeting is for adult children who have prior experience with or interest in integrating the intentional use of psychedelics and/or plant medicines into our ACA work. Click This Link for Zoom Info.

Sunday 6:00pm-7:30pm  Sunday Serenity - Join us in practicing awakening the Inner Loving Parent within! Join via Zoom Link or Meeting ID: 930 2974 0205, Passcode: magic

Monday 7–8:15pm – Expect the Best, and Get It – Join via  Meeting ID: 861 9818 4840 No password needed. Contact Arlene at (360) 771-9203

Tuesday 7-8 pm – Secular ACA, –  This will be a meeting for free thinkers, agnostics, atheists, and anyone else interested. Join via Meeting ID: 878 7616 8553 Password: 058539, Contact

Wednesday 6:30-8pm – Beyond Survival: Trust, Talk, Feel –

Wednesday 6:30-8pm – ACA Courage To Change – Red Book 10 min & share. Contact: Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 744 0638 7196 Passcode: 7wNeWT

Thursdays from 4–5:30pm – Action Coming From Love – Online Red Book Study, Zoom Meeting ID: 830 5275 6806 Passcode 974359, Contact

Saturday 10:30–12pm – Generation New ACA –  Email for a Zoom link.


Tuesday 6-7pm – Salem Meeting - Zoom Meeting ID: 891 1967 0209, Passcode: 132659. Please contact Donna at or (971) 599-8494 for more information.

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