Fellowship Alert: Fraudulent Big Red Books sold through online retailers

Fellowship Alert: Fraudulent Big Red Books sold through online retailers


During the month of June, it was discovered that online retailers through Amazon were selling counterfeit printings of ACA Big Red Books. The fellowship was notified of this information in July, and the WSO has been working to take down fraudulent listings of this book since that time.

Attached to this notice are copies of the memos sent to the ACA fellowship during July. These memos contain more detailed information about these counterfeit books, how to identify them, how to avoid purchasing them, and guidance on how to return your book if you’ve purchased a fraudulent copy.

Please be aware of these issues when purchasing from online retailers, and be sure to purchase ACA literature from trusted service members, verified retailers, or directly from ACA WSO whenever possible.

Feel free to use the linked PDFs of these memos to distribute this information to your local meetings. Below is also a link to the memos posted from ACA WSO through AdultChildren.org:

If you have any further information or questions about these fraudulent books, please reach out to ACA WSO through email at info@acawso.org.


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