Please share the following information with your group:

In response to a Ballot item that was passed at the 2013 ABC that requested more guidance about the use of Social Media, a committee was formed.  

The Social Media Committee recommended (to the WSO Board) the following amendment to Tradition 11 (amendment in bold and italics):

‘Our Public Relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we maintain anonymity at the level of press, radio, tv, films and other public media of communication’. 

Your group is now being asked to consider this amendment.  Your vote will help inform the 2015 ABC delegates when this amendment is presented as a motion for approval.  

Please indicate your group’s vote by clicking on the following link to access the survey:

 The deadline for submitting your group conscience vote is April 4, 2015. 


Yours in Recovery,
The ACA WSO Board of Trustees

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