Intergroup Policies & Procedures

ACA Intergroup Meeting Information:

Intergroup Meets on the Second Mondays of the month at 6PM at the Alano Club, NE Room. Please Join Us!

For answers to common questions visit:


The ACA Oregon Policies and Procedures adopted at the February 2013 Intergroup Meeting.
Click here for a printable version of this document.

Intergroup Officers and Policies

Organizational Charter

The purpose of this charter is to provide Guidance for administrative and operational procedures of the ACA Oregon Intergroup.

Mission of the ACA Oregon Intergroup

The mission of the ACA Oregon Intergroup is to support ACA meetings whenever possible. Intergroup is a service body only and performs the following services.

  1. Publish and distribute Meeting Schedules/Attraction Materials for meeting representatives and the professional treatment community, or to other areas where ACA may be needed.
  2. Assist new ACA Groups in establishing themselves in Oregon and Southwest Washington, where such help is needed.
  3. Provide ACA Speakers periodically to ACA members and the community through an ACA Speaker’s Board.
  4. Act in an Advisory Capacity in an exchange of ideas and information between members and meetings.
  5. Form committees for activities and meetings, such as Public Information, Outreach, Speakers Board, Social Events, and other special functions authorized by the ACA Oregon Intergroup at a regular business meeting.


  1. The Oregon ACA Intergroup will be comprised of two Intergroup Service Representatives (IGR) from each meeting in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Each IGR will be allowed one vote. In the event an IGR is absent, a representative from that meeting may vote.
  2. Intergroup Representatives must be active members of the group they represent. It is suggested that each IGR has at least 6 months of membership in ACA.
  3. Representatives may be requested to serve on committees or as a chairperson of committees by the Intergroup.
  4. Any ACA Member may attend ACA Oregon Intergroup meetings.

Intergroup Chairperson: One year term: Electable for a second year. In event there is no vice-chairperson elected, may be elected a second consecutive year, but no more than two consecutive years. May be re-elected again after another person has served a term.

Vice Chairperson: First year no responsibility except to learn and then become Chairperson.

Recording Secretary: One year term.

Treasurer: One year Term.

ACA Intergroup Reps (IGR): Two reps from each meeting. Each rep gets one vote on voting issues.

Intergroup Officers Qualifications and Duties:

Intergroup will elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer annually during its January meeting. Official duties begin at following January meeting. Any member of any ACA Group in Oregon or Southwest Washington may be nominated for these offices. It is strongly suggested that each elected officer have at least six months of ACA membership.

Intergroup Chairperson

It is strongly suggested that any candidate for the Intergroup Chair, have at least one year of regular ACA meeting attendance and have been involved in previous ACA service work at some level.

  1. BE ELECTED FOR A ONE YEAR TERM at the regular meeting of Intergroup in January of each year and shall assume office at the February Meeting. May be elected for another year, but may not serve for more than two consecutive terms.
  2. PRESIDE OVER regular and special Intergroup Business Meetings. The Chairperson is responsible for keeping the meetings going and assuring the agenda is set. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall preside.
  3. BE AUTHORIZED to sign checks in cooperation with the Vice Chairperson and Treasurer.
  4. BE EMPOWERED TO CALL SPECIAL MEETINGS for urgent reasons and shall notify all Intergroup Reps (3) days prior to the meeting.
  5. Be a non-voting person at the business meeting, except when needed to break a tie.
  6. When IGR serves as Chairperson, a third Intergroup rep with a vote may be supplied by Chairperson’s group meeting and that person will receive a vote.

Vice Chairperson

  1. BE ELECTED FOR A ONE (1) YEAR TERM. May be reelected for another year, but may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
  2. WILL ASSUME THE OFFICE OF CHAIRPERSON.  The vice-chairperson is to be elected with the understanding that he/she will assume the duties of the Chairperson the following year. In consideration of this, the chairperson will have minimal duties.
  3. SHALL ACT AS CHAIRPERSON, in the absence of the chairperson, at all regular and special intergroup meetings.

Recording Secretary

  1. BE ELECTED FOR A ONE (1) YEAR TERM. The recording secretary may serve another one (1) year term, but may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
  2. KEEP ACCURATE AND COMPLETE records (minutes) of Intergroup business meetings.
  3. REPRODUCE THE MINUTES within 10 days of the Intergroup business meetings and distribute them by email copies to:
    • Each ACA meeting group Secretary
    • Intergroup Chairman and Intergroup Reps
    • Intergroup and Recording Secretary Archives


  2. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FUNDS belonging to the Intergroup and ensure timely deposits of money for and on behalf of the Intergroup in a bank or banks designated by the intergroup members. In the absence of the above, the Treasurer may select a bank.
  3. MAKE A MONTHLY financial report to the Oregon ACA Intergroup and present a statement for publication.
  4. PAY AUTHORIZED operational expenses.
  5. BE AN EX-OFFICIO member of all committees authorized to handle funds.
  8. SIGNATORS FOR CHECKS, of which two are required, may come from Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer.

Intergroup Rep:

  1. Attends and participates in Intergroup monthly meetings.
  2. Communicates information and activity announcements from the Intergroup and WSO to his or her meeting. This information is usually communicated weekly.
  3. Makes concerns and questions of local meetings known to ACA Oregon Intergroup. Also reports back to local meetings with answers to local meeting concerns or suggested policies from the Intergroup.
  4. Representatives may be requested to serve on committees or as a chairperson of committees by the Intergroup.
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