There were 128 ballots cast this year. Out of the 14 unique proposals presented, the following eight (8) received a 2/3 majority vote of Yes and will be placed on the agenda for the ABC in Austin.
Proposal 2015-3 Submitted by Central Coast Intergroup (IG076); Grover Beach (CA915 and CA1006): That WSO institute a program of planned, phased-in, on-going Public Service Announcements (TV, internet, radio, periodicals) to let the general public know ACA exists, who we are, that we work on personal recovery from growing up in alcoholic and dysfunctional homes, and give a phone number and web address to find meetings in local areas. No faces are to be on the announcements and no promises of outcomes are to be made. Motion Carried: 108 Yes, 17 No, 3 No Opinion (128)
Proposal 2015-4 Submitted by Central Coast Intergroup (IG076) Move to have WSO upload all trifolds in unalterable PDF forms in all available translations so members worldwide can download them for free. Motion Carried: 102 Yes, 20 No, 6 No Opinion (128)
Proposal 2015-5 Submitted by San Antonio, TX (TX081) We propose that copies of any material referenced in a ballot proposal be made available with the ballot or on the WSO website for groups to review before voting. Motion Carried: 98 Yes, 13 No, 17 No Opinion (128)
Proposal 2015-6 Submitted by the Austin, San Antonio, LaGrange, TX Intergroup (IG600) We propose a requiring future WSO Trustees be qualified by at least one year’s active service to an Intergroup, Region, or other intermediate-level service body. If needed, this requirement may be implemented incrementally, intending to apply to all trustees by the 2025 ABC. Motion carried: 104 Yes, 11 No, 13 No Opinion (128)
Proposal 2015-8 Submitted by Exton, PA (IG599) We propose that the ACOA website be updated to have better communication with meeting leaders when their meetings are about to be given a “yellow caution warning” signifying outdated information. Motion carried: 89 Yes, 27 No, 12 No Opinion (128)
Proposal 2015-9 Submitted by Polish Intergroup (IG602) We propose that ACA WSO will change the rules of printing and publishing of the translations of ACA fellowship text and Yellow Workbook so it will be allowed to print the translated books in the home countries (without limitation to one-time printing) in the case when costs of printing in the foreign country are significantly lower than printing in the US and shipping to the country of translation language. This is the case of Poland, where printing and publishing of the book is much cheaper than in USA. Of course the income from selling the translated books will still go to the purposes of ACA WSO. Motion carried: 106 Yes, 14 No, 8 No Opinion (128)
Proposal 2015-11 Submitted by Kihei, HI (HI020 and HI023); Haiku, HI (HI204) ThatACA/WSO provide Hawaii ACA Meeting Groups with the option to use USPS Media Rate Service when literature orders exceed $500. Motion carried: 86 Yes, 24 No, 18 No Opinion (128)
Proposal 2015-13 Submitted by United Kingdom Intergroup (IG530) That the 2 Trifolds, ” 25 Questions, am I an Adult Child “, and ” ACA Sponsorship: Fellow Travelers” should be provided free by download from the ACA Website. Motion Carried: 102 Yes, 20 No, 5 No Opinion (127)
The following are the votes on the proposals that didn’t pass: Proposal 1 – 64 Yes, 43 No, 21 No Opinion (128); Proposal 2 – 58 Yes, 60 No, 10 No Opinion (128); Proposal 7 – 46 Yes, 59 No, 23 No Opinion (128); Proposal 10 – 60 Yes, 48 No, 20 No Opinion (128); Proposal 12 – 63 Yes, 42 No, 22 No Opinion (127); Proposal 14 – 31 Yes, 71 No, 25 No Opinion (127)