Coos Bay Meeting Contact

Hello Fellow ACA’s! I’m looking to find the contact information for the contact person at the Coos Bay meeting, or at least the email of someone who attends regularly. We have the meeting on our site, and would like to make sure the meeting information is correct. Additionally, this meeting also needs to be added to the list in the WSO site ( for all to be able to find the easiest. Thanks in advance!

2 thoughts on “Coos Bay Meeting Contact”

  1. Hello Oregon ACA people!!! I am looking to find the address to make group contributions to the local area Intergroup. Maybe Oregon doesn’t have one anymore? Thank you in advance for any help!!!

    1. Hello!
      There is no physical address for the Intergroup.
      You might speak with your group representative who may have interactions with Intergroup.
      Thank you!

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