Open Service Positions

If you are interested in finding out how you can offer service to ACA, please see some open service positions below. Some are ongoing, some are short term. If you would like to know more, please ask your meeting’s Intergroup Representative or send an email to

There is now an “Open Service Positions” Menu on our website. Feel free to check it out here whenever you are interested in seeing what service positions are available.


Prison Outreach

You may know that we are seeing new ACA groups pop all the time. But did you know that we have been running a meeting in a minimum security addiction treatment facility here in Portland for the last three years now? The facility is called Columbia River Correctional Institute and it is often where male inmates go to be readied for release in their last year or so of incarceration. You can read more about the facility here;
The group meets Monday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30pm and it varies in size from 4 to 15 men that attend regularly. I am looking for more volunteers that would like to join us from time to time that see this as an opportunity to do service as part of their recovery. You can attend as few or as many as you would like. A background check will be required and is paid for by the Department Of Corrections.
I find this service work to be tremendously rewarding and has become an integral part of my recovery.


For more information or to volunteer, please contact Michael at 



ACA seeks to extend its message to all who may be affected by growing up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional home, and would like to find resources to recover. In order to spread awareness about the existence of ACA, outreach efforts of all kinds can be a huge benefit to anyone looking for healing who may not yet know where to find us.

Ideas for Outreach:

-Send emails to local therapists (letter has already been drafted, and websites with lists of local therapists and mental health providers are available).

-Drop off our meeting schedule at local therapist, mental health, recovery centers, libraries, etc.

If you are interested in considering any of these opportunities, please don’t hesitate to learn more. Learning more is not a commitment to offer the service, only a chance for you to find if it is the right fit for you. If you would like to know more, contact your group’s Intergroup Representative or send an email to


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