Upcoming Saturday Business Meeting and Trusted Servants


Just need to inform everyone of a schedule change for the Saturday 1:30—3:00 ACA  business meeting. At our last meeting we became aware that we would have a direct conflict with Intergroup’s Affirmations Workshop scheduled at 3:30 on May 16. By group conscience we changed our Business to the second Saturday on May 9.  At that time we plan on continuing our discussion of the possibility of changing the starting time of our meeting to 12:00 Noon.  Also what’s happening that day>>>We will be open to your offers to fill service positions.   At our meeting the existing service positions are: Group Secretary, Treasurer, Intergroup Representative, Literature/Coin Person, Timer, Meeting Setup Person, and Contact/Phonelist Person.   Descriptions of most of these are on pages 597–601 Big Red Book. We ask for a 6 month service commitment and we expect a person to have at least one year in ACA recovery to take on Group Secretary or Treasurer.  

One final note:  If you volunteer, you will be confirmed by a Group Conscience and you will recieve alot of help and support to learn your new position. 

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